Developing a Teleneonatology Program in Response to COVID-19

A telemedicine network that allows neonatologists to be at the bedside of critically ill neonates exactly when needed: In this presentation to HIMSS 2021: Improves access to neonatal expertise Facilitates patient triage Improves patient safety and quality of care In this presentation to HIMSS 2021: Chris Dewhurst , MD Clinical Director, Liverpool Neonatal Partnership, […]
Precision Population Health Presentation

Yesterday Tony Bowden got the opportunity to present to National Atrial Fibrillation (AF) Leads at the South Bank. The presentation focused on Precision Population Health and allowed him to share our insights including; collaborations, a CCG Case study, what was achieved and what’s left to achieve. If you’d like to know more about the presentation […]
Presenting at Public Health England Conference 2018

Professor David Patterson of Helicon Health and Whittington Health was joined by Pauline Taylor, Head of Medicines Management at Haringey CCG and Dr Will Maimaris, Consultant in Public Health at Haringey Council to present at the Public Health England Conference earlier this week. The presentation entitled ‘Getting Serious about Cardiovascular Disease Prevention 2018: Reducing Variation […]
Cerner Collaboration Forum 2018

Tony Bowden delivered a presentation entitled ‘Detect, Protect and Correct. Precise, Personal and Proven Digital Health. If you’d like to know more about the presentation or request a copy please get in touch.
Helicon presenting at Clinical Innovation and Outsourcing World Congress

Tony Bowden, Helicon CEO’s, presents at the “Clinical Innovation and Outsourcing World Congress”, sponsored by NIHR, in London on March 8th. Tony will be explaining how the Helicon Health’ patient-centred digital healthcare platform is being used to help with clinical research in cardiovascular related areas. More information If you’d like to know more about the […]
Professor Patterson to speak at “A Collaborative Approach to Stroke Prevention”

Helicon’s Founder and Chief Medical Officer, Professor David Patterson, will be speaking at the conference on “A Collaborative Approach to Stroke Prevention” on 21 April 2016. The event is sponsored by NHS England and Northern England Clinical Strategic Networks. David will talking about his experience in activating patients to improved outcomes with self-management. Click Here […]
Helicon Health Presenting at UK e-Health Week 20th April 2016

We are delighted that the Helicon team of Professor David Patterson, Chief Medical Officer, and Tony Bowden, CEO have been invited to present a case study on in the session on “Digital Technology enabling New Models of Care” chaired by Julia Manning, CEO, 2020 Health. Please join us in Theatre 5 at 11:15 on 20th […]
Helicon Presents Patient eLearning at “AF and Stroke – We Can Do Better”

Helicon presented its eLearning programme at the “AF and Stroke – we can do better” conference at the King’s Fund, supported by the British Heart Foundation, Stroke Association, Public Health England, AF Association on 24th September 2015. Our team of Professor David Patterson and Bridget Coleman presented a well-received poster on the development of an eLearning course to […]