Necessity is the mother of invention.
Every major programme delivered by Helicon Health involves team work and a reliance on the strength of our partnerships. As a company, we are happy to lead as principal delivery partner and in some circumstances to provide our products and services as a principal sub contractor. We consider each opportunity on its merits and decide how best to construct the delivery team for best results with minimal risk.
Serving people everywhere – We have unified the combined capabilities and global market presence of our award-winning consumer experience brands to create the only comprehensive virtual care solution capable of serving organizations and people everywhere.
“Cuviva’s solution enables new ways of working in healthcare – with increased security and quality of care for those with multiple long-term conditions and the frail elderly as a result. Digitization with heart and brain starts where the needs are greatest!”
– Fredrik Koffner, co-founder of Cuviva
i5 Health is probably unique in its ability to link multiple sources of information and generate highly sophisticated and actionable commissioning support reports. i5 Health partners with Helicon Health in the provision of advanced analytics and algorithms.
Coracle partner with Helicon Health by providing a suite of tools to deliver an engaging and motivational e-learning experience. From content management, online assessment, data analytics and individual learning plans through to managed hosting, any device access and multilingual capabilities.
SIGHT Programme
SIGHT (Supporting Innovation and Growth in Healthcare Technologies) is an ERDF-funded business support project led by the University of Portsmouth in conjunction with the Wessex CRN and Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust, designed to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs in the healthcare sector. The programme provides Helicon Health and other SMEs with the insight and specific evidence required to ensure their products meet real, identified market needs along with the necessary guidance and support to enter and expand in new healthcare markets.
Optima Systems
Optima provides a range of IT, Help Desk and Administrative Support to Helicon allowing them to deliver a wider ranges of equipment and services to their Customers. We have been in the business for over 30 years now and pride ourselves in being able to provide friendly assistance to a wide range of people and organisations.
In addition, Optima works with a variety of Pharma and Research companies around the world. We build bespoke, leading edge Data visualization and analytical tools which help them bring products and ideas to market.
Nottingham Trent University - Medical Technology Innovation Facility (MTIF)
MTIF focus on the development of innovative products and advanced materials to meet future healthcare needs. A key aim is to improve patient care by speeding up medical product development and getting innovations to market as quickly as possible – critical for patients, businesses, the NHS and regional economic growth.
The facility provides access to a unique set of resources for the development of new products. This includes laboratories, clean rooms, technologies and expertise for processing, prototype development and clinical manufacturing processes.
Helicon Health collaborates with MTIF with a focus on research, linking academics with industry to provide a multidisciplinary approach to medical technology development.
University College London
UCL was founded in 1826. It was was the first English university established after Oxford and Cambridge, the first to admit students regardless of race, class, religion or gender, and the first to provide systematic teaching of law, architecture and medicine. It is among the world’s top universities, as reflected by performance in a range of international rankings and tables. UCL currently has 24,000 students from almost 140 countries, and more than 9,500 employees. Our annual income is over £800 million.
UCLB is a leading technology transfer company that supports and commercialises research and innovations arising from UCL, one of the UK’s top research-led universities. UCLB has a successful track record and a strong reputation for identifying and protecting promising new technologies and innovations from UCL academics. It invests directly in development projects to maximise the potential of the research and manages the commercialisation process of technologies from the laboratory to market. UCLB supports UCL’s Grand Challenges of increasing UCL’s positive impact on and contribution to Global Health, Sustainable Cities, Intercultural Interaction and Human Wellbeing.
In June 2022, Helicon Health announced an agreement to distribute and integrate the Hailie® Smartinhaler® sensor range and cloud data services on behalf of Adherium Limited (“Adherium”; ASX: ADR). Adherium is a leader in respiratory eHealth, remote patient monitoring and virtual ward solutions.
Adherium’s Hailie® Smartinhaler® solution is the world’s most clinically supported asthma medication adherence solution.
The Hailie® Smartinhaler® solution is a cloud-based platform which captures medication use data from FDA-and CE Marked Bluetooth® enabled sensors which wrap around patient inhalers and provide real-time feedback to patients via the Hailie® app and to their physicians via the Hailie® portal. Monitoring inhaled medication adherence / compliance with timely intervention, supports the reduction in severity and frequency of exacerbations and the associated hospital admissions, improving outcomes and quality of life, while reducing the resource burden and health system costs in managing these patient populations. Since June 2022, Helicon Health has achieved major new account wins in numerous NHS Trusts and within other health systems.
We are always looking for oportunities to work with exciting companies. Contact us to discuss.