The Helicon Team were delighted to be invited to present the results of two major studies conducted on behalf of NHS Lincolnshire ICB evaluating the potential impact of smart technologies and wearables.
The workshop was Chaired by Jimmy Pryke-Walker, Head of Digital Health at Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust.
Dr Majid Akram, Cardiovascular Lead and CCIO Primary Care, Lincolnshire ICB presented:
- Objectives
- Smart technologies and their potential impact.
- Future benefits
Tony Bowden, CEO, Helicon Health presented the results of the Discovery Report in East Lindsey for Residents using Temporary Housing and the Proof of Concept study, for Wearables and Smart Technologies.
Mr. Bowden presented the following:
- Project background
- The Hypothesis
- Methodology, data collection and approach
- Results
- What we learnt from patients/participants
- A series of patient Case studies
Professor Harald Braun, presented a session on “Understanding the data and answered questions on the data.
In the afternoon sessions, the attendees considered:
- Wearable technologies to support future delivery of care in Lincolnshire
- Lincolnshire’s influence on the national priorities and how can Lincolnshire use the findings to shape future delivery.
- The potential challenges and solutions and how does this support Lincolnshire ICS Digital Strategy objectives?
- Digital empowerment
- Predictive analytics
- Health and care operational decision making
- Real time alerting – earlier interventions
- Data Sharing
Tom Roche took to X to write a review of the day’s events
A variety of apps, blood pressure, temp, ECG, movement sensor were used to evidence changes in a person’s health status. The study was non interventionist but shows these wearabĺes can accurately predict falls/ collapse, potential admissions, cardiovascular events
— Tom Roche (@TPRochie) October 4, 2023