Hailie Smart Inhaler Asthma Study in Leicester

Helicon Health is a delivery partner for a new asthma study in Leicester – Smart Digital Inhaler enabled asthma management in high-risk children aged 5 to 16 years managed in primary care to prevent asthma attacks. The goal of the study, which involves several primary care practices in Leicester, is for better asthma control – […]

Helicon Health is a teenager!

Please join us in celebrating Helicon Health’s 13th Founders Day and what has been an amazing year with so many milestones, deliverables, partnerships and new collaborations. Just as a reminder of the three things we do: On behalf of Helicon Health, a big thank you to all who have contributed and achieved so much. Looking […]

Medication adherence halves COPD patients’ hospitalisation risk

In a study of claims data for 13,557 COPD patients in Switzerland, patients with high medication adherence (daily medication reserve of 80% to 100%) are 51% less likely to incur exacerbation, than patients with the lowest medication adherence (daily medication reserve of 0% to 20%). The study shows that medication adherence varies strongly among Swiss […]

Dr Yassir Javaid, GP advisor to Helicon Health

Helicon Health is delighted to announce that Dr Yassir Javaid will join the Helicon Health team of special advisors. Dr Javaid is a GP with a specialist interest in cardiology. Dr Javaid qualified from Cambridge University and completed his VTS training in Northampton. He has a specialist interest in cardiology and echocardiography and was a […]

Helicon Health speaks up for COPD

Source: https://www.politico.eu/sponsored-content/speaking-up-for-copd-a-global-call-for-policy-action/ Helicon Health is supporting Speak Up for COPD. Did you know – someone dies every 10 seconds from COPD? COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is the third largest cause of death, but no one talks about it. As a result, it is under-prioritised, underfunded and undertreated. Helicon Health is supporting The Speak […]

Helicon Health Partner to Accelerate New Technology Solutions for Children & Young People

The Helicon Health team are delighted to announce our role as Delivery and Go to Market partners for a new HealthTech accelerator programme in partnership with the world class National Centre for Children’s Health Technology, located in Sheffield. The National Centre for Child Health Technology will be focused specifically on developing and deploying new, internationally […]

Helicon Health sponsors Child Health Technology Conference 2023 for the second year running

Helicon Health is sponsoring CHT2023 (Child Health Technology Conference) for the second year running and are very pleased to be supporting such an excellent and important event. CHT2023 brings together thought leaders, medical practitioners, researchers, developers, delivery partners and investors from around the world. CHT2023 is suitable for professionals with an interest in child health […]

Assessing the Economic Impact of Respiratory Diseases

Lung disease exacts a substantial economic toll on the United Kingdom, affecting individuals, families, healthcare systems, and society at large. Understanding the economic impact of lung diseases in the UK is crucial for addressing these issues effectively. Here is an overview of the costs associated with lung disease in the UK: Direct Healthcare Costs: Primary […]

Helicon Health is 11!

Please join us in celebrating 11 years of hugely productive operations. This last year has seen several developments towards our mission of delivering healthcare virtually – culminating in one of the largest evidential programmes of its kind with potentially game changing implications for health and care delivery – as the NHS experiences a tsunami of […]