Our CEO is Featured on HTN

Health Tech Newspaper (HTN) got in touch with Tony Bowden, the Chief Executive of Helicon Health, to follow up on the health tech and medical research company’s entry in our first Digital Playbook.

A spin-out from University College London (UCL), originally founded on work done in the fields of health informatics and multi-professional education, Helicon has been navigating increased demand during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It’s all about people, process and technology”

Explaining his long-term association with the company, Tony said: “I arrived as a consultant – having spent much of my career in healthcare technology with large companies – and, actually, liked the company so much I was invited to become Chief Exec and invested in the company [as an angel investor].

More Helicon News

About the Author
Tony Bowden
As CEO, Director and Shareholder the buck stops with me. I thank all our valued Customers, Partners, Shareholders and Team members for their continued support.
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